HKRRLSThe Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme

The Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme

About the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme

The Promotion Programme lasts for 3 years (from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2026), with $39 million funding from LCSD.

Aim of the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme 

Support Local authors and Local publishers

Encourage the development and use of electronic platforms in local publishing industry

Promote reading culture in Hong Kong

Development of smart libraries, hence creating a more popular reading atmosphere

Main Objectives

Develop a new book database to provide richer and more detailed bibliographic information to help readers select suitable and high-quality local books.

Collect and digitize about 100,000 titles of local book cover images and related book data in the library collection of the Hong Kong Public Library,

Help readers to choose a suitable and quality local books. Thereby fostering interest in reading and creating a more popular reading atmosphere.

Encourage the local publishing sector to develop and make good use of electronic platform.

Promote reading culture and cultivate reading habits by inviting local authors to participate in major HKPL events.

Broadly support the publishing sector and authors in Hong Kong, promote the healthy development of the publishing industry, attract more young people to join the creative industry, and promote local culture.


Non-profit organization

Established in 1995 by Hong Kong authors and publishers to license public access (including all primary and secondary schools, tertiary institutions, various government departments, public institutions, commercial organizations, associations, libraries, photocopying shops, etc.) to their copyright works.

Represent millions of publications published in Hong Kong and overseas, via its affiliation with the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO)

Strive to protect the intellectual property of authors and the publishers, to raise public awareness on both copyright and collective management organization.

Frequently asked questions

How to join the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme ?

After registering on the HKRRLS platform, you will receive an agreement of the Promotion Program. By signing the agreement, local publishers/authors agreed to provide and authorize the provision of bibliographic information on their published books such as cover images, additional information, and promotional/multimedia promotional materials for use by the LCSD and the public.

Do I need to pay application fee to participate in the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme ?

No, the Promotion Program is completely free of charges and participants are not required to pay any fees.

Is this Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme only eligible for members of the HKRRLS?

Any local publishers can participate in this programme without being a member of the HKRRLS. In order to participate in this Promotion Programme, the publishers will have to sign an agreement with the HKRRLS to provide and authorize the provision of bibliographic information on their published books such as cover images, additional information, and promotional/multimedia promotional materials for use by the LCSD and the public.

Eligible books: Any books that are published by Hong Kong local publishers, and have been included in the collections of the Hong Kong Public Library.

How to allocate the programme fee?

For each title, the distribution ratio of local publishers to local authors is fixed at 50:50. As for the distribution of the Programme fee to the authors or to the publishers under different circumstances, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions about the Promotion of Local Publications and Reading Culture Programme for more detailed information.

Click here for the Promotion Programme Registration.