
HKRRLSLicenceCopyright Royalty Charges

Copyright Royalty Charges

License Scheme Copyright Royalty Charge for Photocopying Licence (HK$) Copyright Royalty Charge for Scanning cum Photocopying Licence (HK$)

Educational establishments

Primary schools

$7,598 / school / annum

$12,161 / school / annum

Secondary schools

$18,422 / school / annum

$29,477 / school / annum

Special schools

$3,394 / school / annum

$5,340 / school / annum

Colleges of further education
– full-time students
– part-time students
– full-time teachers
– part-time teachers
– administrative copies


$93 / person / annum
$46 / person / annum
$185 / person / annum
$93 / person / annum
$93 / copy


$148 / person / annum
$74 / person / annum
$295 / person / annum
$148 / person / annum
$148 / copy

Course packs production

$1.05 / page*

$1.68 / page


Government departments or public bodies

$1.00 / page
annual fee $5,100

$1.62/ page
annual fee $6,700


Businesses in the following industry groups:
-computer-related activities
-research and development activities
-medical and health services
– engineering
– financial intermediation, banking and
financial services
– business and professional services (including
law, accountancy, consulting and training)

(a) Businesses with up to 25 Employees:
A minimum fee of $1,500 / annum (cover up to 5 Readers or 5 Professional Employees)

(a) Businesses with up to 25 Employees:

A minimum fee of $2,500 / annum (cover up to 5 Readers or 5 Professional Employees)

(b) Businesses with 26 to 50 Employees:
A minimum fee of $3,000 / annum (cover up to 10 Readers or 10 Professional Employees)

(b) Businesses with 26 to 50 Employees:
A minimum fee of $5,000 / annum (cover up to 10 Readers or 10 Professional Employees)

(c) Businesses with 51 or more Employees:
A minimum fee of $4,500 / annum (cover up to 15 Readers or 15 Professional Employees)

(c) Businesses with 51 or more Employees:
A minimum fee of $7,500 / annum (cover up to 15 Readers or 15 Professional Employees)

An additional fee of $300 / annum for each Reader and Professional Employee will be charged for the total number of Readers and Professional
Employees exceeding the number of persons covered by the minimum fee.

An additional fee of $500 / annum for each Reader and Professional Employee will be charged for the total number of Readers and Professional Employees exceeding the number of persons
covered by the minimum fee.


News monitoring services organizations

$1.68 / page
annual fee $8,000




$1.00 / page
annual fee $4,200




$1.00 / page
annual fee $4,800



Copy shops

$1.00 / page



Other transactional licences

Any charges set by copyright owners, plus 20%

Any charges set by copyright owners, plus 20% as our service charge.


For-profit educational establishments

$1.62 / page

annual fee $7,000


* also applies to Scanning Licence

HKRRLS Copyright Royalty Charges (Effective January 2023)