「2024/25 年度全港校際尊重知識產權創作比賽」傳媒午宴暨啟動典禮


為加強學生從小尊重版權的意識,版權協會、知識產權處及香港海關,自2007年展開了全港大型校際「尊重版權」創作比賽,希望透過活動培育學生的創意思維,認識創意產業及明白尊重版權的重要性。「版權協會」於 2024-2025 學年再度舉辦第十屆大型「全港校際尊重知識產權創作比賽」。

今年活動口號為 「知識產權要尊重 創科創意創未來」,比賽分為「幼稚園組」、「小學組(初小)」、「小學組(高小)」「中學組(初中)」、「中學(高中)及大專組」五個組別進行,每個組別均有獨立的項目。今屆活動除設金、銀、銅、優異獎及「積極參與學校獎」外,更於「中學(高中)及大專組」增設「創科與尊重知識產權」特別獎,培養學生對創新科技與尊重知識產權的意識,同時強調版權保護與創新科技之間的重要關係。


今年活動共邀得20 間機構成為支持單位,特別感謝各學校議會、「香港電腦教育學會」、「香港教育城」、「香港海關Customs Yes」、「學校圖書館主任協會」、「香港工業總會 第 25 分組香港資訊科技業協會及教育委員會」、「香港資優教育學苑」以及「香港科技創新聯盟」的支持。

比賽將於2025年1月10號截止報名。詳情請瀏覽活動專題網站: https://hkrrls-award.hk/

立即報名參賽: https://award.hkma.org.hk/hkrrls/enrol_form.asp?testonly=Y










我們非常榮幸邀得「想創你未來」得獎作家蔡逸寧博士分享及「出版3.0」 項目籌委會執行主席(常務)兼香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事黃燕如博士,向出版業界代表分享書展的所見所聞;同時,黃博士亦分享參展成果和「出版3.0」過去一年的發展情況,在場人士反應非常熱烈。

Tender Notice: Event Management Services for the 2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign

  1. Invitation for Proposal

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society Limited, hereunder refers as HKRRLS, organizing the “2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign” (Campaign), with the Intellectual Property Department and Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department as co-organizers.

With the aim of raising awareness within the education sector and the broader community about the importance of respecting copyright, the Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society (HKRRLS) has been organizing a large-scale inter-school competition known as “The Copyright Education Campaign” (Campaign) since 2007. The initiative is designed to inspire students’ creativity thinking by immersing them in the role of creators, thereby emphasizing the significance of respecting copyright.

The campaign has become a crucial initiative in promoting copyright education from kindergartens, primary, secondary school, and tertiary institutions. These efforts have contributed to a positive value, fostering a generation that respects intellectual property rights, and understands the legal and ethical implications of using creative content.

HKRRLS represents millions of publications published in Hong Kong and overseas, via its affiliation with the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. HKRRLS obtains licensing authority from mandates given by national rightsholders, and international repertoire through bilateral agreements with other international Reproduction Rights Organisations (RROs). HKRRLS is one of the six registered licensing bodies with the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department and has over 20 years of experience in copyright licensing, royalty collection and distribution.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as positioned by the National 14th Five-Year Plan as Asia’s IP trading hub and the East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, provides an excellent platform for the Campaign.

HKRRLS aims to promote and advance the rights of copyright owners, raise public awareness and understanding of Hong Kong’s copyright laws, meet the needs of the local community who want access to published works by providing an economical, efficient one-stop shop for licensing the works around the world and to enforce the rights of those we represent both on a domestic and international basis.

HKRRLS is not-for-profit organization with all income (including royalties from licensees and from RROs) after deduction of expenditure and certain necessary provisions are available for distribution to rightsholders.

Importance of Copyright Education

Hong Kong copyright protects creativity. The efforts of writers, artists, designers, software programmers and other talents need to and should be protected so as to create an environment where creativity can flourish and hard work can be rewarded. In return, the public benefits from the creations.

Hong Kong is a creative place and international trading centre. The protection of intellectual property rights, including copyright, is essential to assuring investors that Hong Kong offers a free and fair business environment.

As a result, educating students about respecting copyright is crucial for nurturing a culture that values and upholds intellectual property rights. From a young age, understanding the importance of respecting copyright helps students recognize the value of original work and the need to credit creators appropriately. This foundational knowledge encourages ethical behavior and fosters a sense of responsibility in using and sharing creative content.

The 2022/23 Hong Kong Inter-School Respect Copyright Creative Competition, jointly organised by the HKRRLS and the Intellectual Property Department (IPD), which aims to cultivate awareness and respect for copyright among participating students at an early age has attracted more than 3,000 student submissions from over 200 schools.

Lat year, the award presentation and closing ceremony (with participants from kindergartens, primary, secondary schools, and tertiary institutions) was held with over 160 students, parents, teachers and supporting organizers was joined the event.


This TENDER DOCUMENT is not transferable and name of purchaser and bidder who submits shall be the same.

For and on behalf of

Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society

Dr. Sharon Wong
Executive Director

  1. Instruction to Bidders

2.1 Purpose “TENDER DOCUMENT FOR Event Management Services for the 2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign. This document provides information to enable the bidders to understand the broad requirements to submit their “Bids”.

2.2 Bidder shall send their email as prescribed into the contact at which the bids are to be submitted. The response to the queries will be replied by email.

2.3 Bidder shall provide the proposal with budget and scope of work for the promotion and event management of “2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign”. HKRRLS shall examine all documentation and other information submitted by Bidders.

2.4 HKRRLS reserves the right to reject all bids, and re-tender if no satisfactory bids are submitted.  HKRRLS is under no obligation to award the contract or to award it to the lowest bidder.

2.5 Tender must be clearly marked with the tender reference and the subject of the tender on the front of the envelope and super scribe on the sealed envelope by post / in-person, address to the Accounting and Administration Manager, HKRRLS and reach our office before 7 June 2024 17:00 to the following address:

Accounting and Administration Manager
Hong Kong Reprographic Rights Licensing Society
Unit D, 15/F, E-Trade Plaza, 24 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Subject: Event Management Services for the 2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign
Tender Reference No. HKRRLS\20240501\CopyrightEducationCampaign

Failure to meet the closing date will result in the tender being void.

2.6 Tender shall remain valid for a period of a minimum of 90 calendar days after the date of the bid submission deadline as prescribed by HKRRLS.

2.7 The covering letter and the proposal duly completed with authorized signature and company chop.

Event Management Services for the 2024/25 Copyright Education Campaign Deadline:
7 June 2024



IFRRO 總部位於比利時,是集合了文字/圖像領域集體管理組織 (CMO) 的機構。透過來自全球超過85個國家和地區的150多個成員組織的合作,促進文本和圖像作品的複製權的管理。其成員代表了數百萬作家、藝術家及書籍、期刊、報紙、雜誌和印刷音樂的出版商。香港書刊版權授權協會為IFRRO的會員機構,代表在香港和海外出版的數百萬種出版物。協會旨在保護其代表的作者和出版商的智慧財產權,並提高公眾對版權和集體管理組織的認識。

IFRRO亞太區會議是IFRRO亞太委員會代表及創意產業業界人士的重要活動。 IFRRO亞太區委員會由13個國家和地區中的17個集體管理組織組成。這些國家和地區包括:中國、中國香港、澳洲、新加坡、英國、菲律賓、阿聯酋、印度、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、印尼和越南。會議旨在促進夥伴關係和協作,同時為智慧財產權領域帶來新的商機。

在國家「十四五」規劃下,香港特別行政區被定位為亞洲智慧財產權交易中心和國際文化交流中心。透過匯聚來自香港、東南亞國家聯盟、亞太地區、IFRRO 的代表以及相關產業的持分者,能創造有利建立人脈網絡和促進知識交流的平台。



我們非常榮幸邀得香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局副局長劉震先生. JP(左四)IFRRO主席Ms. Tracey Armstrong(右四)於會議上致歡迎辭;香港書刊版權授權協會主席潘志偉先生(左一)IFRRO政策與公共事務顧問Ms. Sarah Tran (左二)IFRRO行政總監兼秘書長Ms. Anita Huss-Ekerhult (左三)「創意香港」助理總監曹黎淑霞女士 (右三)IFRRO亞太區委員會主席Mr. Andrew Fong (右二)香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事兼IFRRO亞太區委員會副主席黃燕如博士 (右一) 一同合照。

文化體育及旅遊局副局長劉震先生. JP於會議上致歡迎辭。

知識產權署署長黃福來先生, JP介紹本港智慧財產權框架及知識產權署的工作。

我們非常榮幸邀得文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄先生, GBS, JP (右五)IFRRO主席Ms. Tracey Armstrong (左五)、知識產權署署長黃福來先生, JP (右四)IFRRO行政總監兼秘書長Ms. Anita Huss-Ekerhult (左四)、「創意香港」總監曾昭學先生 (右三)香港海關副關長(管制及執法) 胡偉軍先生 (左三)IFRRO亞太區委員會主席Mr. Andrew Fong (右一)IFRRO政策與公共事務顧問Ms. Sarah Tran (左一)香港書刊版權授權協會主席潘志偉先生(右二)香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事兼IFRRO亞太區委員會副主席黃燕如博士 (左二)一同主持敬酒儀式,為晚宴揭開序幕。

文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄先生, GBS, JP於晚宴致歡迎辭。

IFRRO主席Ms. Tracey Armstrong歡迎一眾嘉賓出席晚宴,並感謝各執行單位努力籌備,令活動能順利舉行。

香港書刊版權授權協會主席潘志偉先生(左一)IFRRO主席Ms. Tracey Armstrong (左二)文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄先生, GBS, JP (左三)香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事兼IFRRO亞太區委員會副主席黃燕如博士 (右二)IFRRO亞太區委員會主席Mr. Andrew Fong (右一)與一眾來賓於晚宴場地外接的露台享用餐前美酒及欣賞維港的夜景。


「出版3.0」業界分享會 分享參與2023年「法蘭克福書展」成果

香港作為中外文化藝術交流中心,不少本地作家及出版社都有意願把其書籍帶到國際市場,從而推廣香港文化,而結合科技可令本地出版的中文書更容易走出去。「出版3.0- #香港智能電子書庫」項目(「出版3.0」) 結合出版及A.I.技術,協助業界自行製作高質素、具國際市場潛力的智能電子書。

為了協助香港電子書及有聲書開拓國際市場,「出版3.0」於10月參與了2023年「法蘭克福國際書展」。「出版3.0」 項目籌委會執行主席(常務)兼香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事黃燕如博士之後在11月30日舉行的業界分享會上,向逾30位出版業界代表分享參展成果,與會者均反應非常熱烈。法蘭克福書展是全球最大型的版權貿易洽談展覽,被視為在國際書籍貿易上最重要的展覽之一,「出版3.0」首次參與「法蘭克福書展」,向全球電子書採購商/營運商、境外業界協會、出版社代表及作者等推廣「香港電子智能書庫」。據黃博士反映,有境外出版社表示對香港故事、文化遺產等題材的電子書及有聲書特別感興趣。業界均認同電子書與有聲書是出版業界發展的重要趨勢,期望更多本地作品可以突破地域和語言界限,進軍境外市場。





隨著科技發展,電子閱讀改變了大眾的閱讀模式,並成為未來的大趨勢,特別是學生可善用電子書的靈活方便性,以及豐富的網上資源,激發他們對閱讀的興趣。在12月,「出版3.0- 香港智能電子書庫」項目(「出版3.0」)參與了亞洲頂尖教育博覽-「學與教博覽2023」,向學者和大眾分享香港的電子閱讀情況,以及學校在推動電子閱讀中所面臨的挑戰和經驗。







「出版 3.0-香港智能電子書庫」創新科技嘉年華網上講座上

在10月28日舉行的創新科技嘉年華網上講座上,香港書刊版權授權協會總幹事及「出版3.0」項目籌委會執行主席(常務)黃燕如博士介紹了「出版3.0」、「 #電子書出版轉換平台」背後的概念及項目的各項重要里程碑,同時亦分享了「出版3.0」在今年法蘭克福書展的最新動態。物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心研究及技術開發總監唐志鴻博士,亦同場分享了AI人工智能在「 #電子書出版轉換平台」上的應用。他們並討論了出版業數碼化的趨勢,為「出版3.0」的未來發展提供了不少具意義的意見。




【「出版 3.0-香港智能電子書庫」 於法蘭克福書展香港館促進電子圖書版權貿易】



出版3.0- 香港智能電子書庫 【出版3.0未來新方向 AI真人發聲書】

在10月份,「出版3.0- 香港智能電子書庫」項目(「出版3.0」)參與本地及海外不同活動,節目非常豐富 !除了於10月18至22日遠赴德國法蘭克福書展在香港館內推廣「香港智能電子書庫」外,亦參與10月11日在香港舉辦的 #LSCM物流高峰會及10月28日至11月5日由創新科技署舉辦的「#創新科技嘉年華」。

LSCM物流高峰會場內設有技術展覧,展示物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心(LSCM)研發的最新技術 ,吸引逾1,000人到場參加 。當中「出版3.0」的合作伙伴 LSCM派出代表介紹了「名家×AI真人發聲書」項目,展示了由LSCM自研的AI發聲技術,效果媲美原版真人錄音!「出版3.0」將會積極研究應用有關技術,加強「香港智能電子書庫」內的 #有聲書 ,協助有關作家及出版社提升讀者對他們的有聲書作品的興趣,同時提升大眾對閱讀的興趣。